
Allotment diaries, photographs, advice about growing vegetables, fruits and herbs with a forum for chatting on the plot.
APL – the Association of Professional Landscapers – for finding domestic garden landscapers
The Cottage Garden Society for anyone interested in cottage gardens, including exchanging seeds
Garden Organic: the UK organisation for organic gardening
Homify: a European-based homes and gardens site with articles, a space where you can collect ideas, and access to professionals. One of my gardens features in this article. My page is here.
Houzz is an international site with many UK contributors: an online homes and gardens interactive magazine, great for collecting ideas and articles, and access to professionals as well as a forum. This is my page on ‘Houzz’.
Jane’s Paintings, Cards and Prints
Landscape Juice Useful for finding out about landscapers and other landscape professionals, and news. (Also try APL)
Pinterest – for finding inspiration on what kind of garden you would like, and what plants. I have many ‘boards’ of ideas here for my clients – see my page.
Oxford Digital Marketing – my website guru
The Scaredy Cat tries out different methods of repelling cats from your garden and rates them.
Shoot a brilliant site for keeping all your garden information in one place
Society of Garden Designers – sets standards and shares know-how in the industry
Debby’s Garden Links Directory of categorised links to UK gardening related websites. Includes a page on rabbit-proof plants!
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